Engine Fuel Consumption: How much petrol is spent on running AC in the car for 1 hour, drivers should know


Engine Fuel Consumption: Do you know how much petrol is spent in a car when the AC is running? If you run the AC in your car for an hour, how much petrol is spent? You should be aware of how much fuel is consumed when the AC is running in the car.

General Estimate:
Engine capacity (CC): Small cars typically have 1.2 to 1.5 liter engines, while larger cars have engines of 2.0 liters or more. Running AC in vehicles with larger engine capacity consumes more petrol.

Petrol consumption in one hour:

In small cars (1.2-1.5 liter engine), running AC for an hour may consume about 0.2 to 0.4 liter of petrol.

In larger cars (2.0 liter or more engines), this consumption can be around 0.5 to 0.7 litres.

Other effects:

Vehicle speed: If the vehicle is stopped and the AC is running, fuel consumption will be higher. While moving, the consumption may reduce slightly, but the mileage will definitely reduce due to the AC.

AC setting: The setting of the AC also makes a difference. If the AC is set at very low temperature, the compressor will have to work harder, which will increase fuel consumption.

Vehicle condition: If your car’s engine is old or less efficient, fuel consumption will be higher when the AC is running.


Running AC for an hour can consume 0.2 to 0.7 liters of petrol, depending on the model and use of your car. If you want to save mileage, use AC wisely, like in a car.

Park the car in a well-ventilated area, keep the AC temperature moderate, and use the AC sparingly if possible.

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