Deal of combat drone ‘MQ-9B’ with America, Indian forces will be impenetrable on China-Pakistan border


Deal of combat drone 'MQ-9B' with America, Indian forces will be impenetrable on China-Pakistan border

New Delhi, October 15 (IANS). India will buy 31 MQ-9B Predator drones from America. This deal has been agreed upon between the two countries. Representatives of both the countries signed this deal in New Delhi on Tuesday.

If this deal is finalized, India will soon get American combat drone ‘MQ-9B’. This drone can reach the target by flying at a height of just 250 meters from the ground and during this time the target is not aware of its arrival. At the same time, if we talk about long distance, this American drone can fly at a height of more than 50 thousand feet. Its maximum speed is said to be 442 kilometers per hour. Another advantage of flying at high altitude is that if the drone is flown at a high altitude, it will be able to see the movement in the interior areas of Pakistan or China even while remaining within the Indian border.

This state-of-the-art drone can be flown with a weight of approximately 1,700 kg including 4 missiles and a bomb of approximately 450 kg. Its range is 3,218 kilometers. Another great feature of this drone is that it can fly continuously for 35 hours. India signed an official deal with the US in New Delhi on Tuesday to buy these Predator drones.

During this, India’s Defense Secretary Girdhar Armane was also present. India’s military power will increase after getting these deadly drones. With this, Indian security forces on the border will be able to compete more strongly with China and Pakistan.

According to the information, the value of this deal is more than Rs 32 thousand crores. These deadly drones are capable of flying for long periods at high altitudes. They can be used for surveillance, intelligence gathering and attacking enemy targets.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had talked to President Joe Biden on this subject during his visit to America. Now, according to this deal made in New Delhi, American drone manufacturing company General Atomics will open a center in India for the maintenance and repair of drones. For this also, India has signed an agreement with America.

Defense experts consider it to be a very powerful drone. The Cabinet Committee on Security had approved the purchase of MQ-9B drone from America only last week. According to defense experts, the Navy may get 15 of these drones being purchased from America. At the same time, Air Force and Army will get 8 drones each. These drones can be deployed at INS Rajali near Chennai, Porbandar in Gujarat, Sarsawa Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh.

Defense experts say that along with this, these unmanned aircraft can be used in airborne early warning, electronic warfare, anti-surface warfare and anti-submarine warfare. A major feature of these American drones is that they can fly for about thirty to forty hours at a time without being affected by any type of weather.



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