After knowing these facts related to ants, you too will be shocked to know about their tremendous powers.


After knowing these facts related to ants, you too will be shocked to know about their tremendous powers.

Science News Desk – Ants are one of the smallest but most powerful creatures in the world. Ants are known for their hard work and discipline. Ants are found almost everywhere, be it a forest, a desert or the kitchen of your home. There are many interesting and surprising facts related to his life, knowing which you will be surprised. Their population is so much that there are many times more ants on earth than humans. There are some facts about ants that will make you think how special and unique they are.

tremendous strength
Ants can lift 10 to 50 times their body weight. This strength is due to their strong muscles and light body. This strength of theirs is very useful for them in carrying food and protecting the colony.

large colonies
Some species of ants form such large colonies that they extend for several kilometers and contain millions of ants. These colonies work together in a very organized manner.

How long does a queen ant live?
The queen ant can live for decades, while other ants have much shorter lifespans. This longevity of the queen is essential to maintaining the population and stability of the colony.

farming ants
Leaf cutter ants are experts in agriculture. These ants grow fungus and make it their food. This is a unique method of agriculture done by ants.

bridge ants
Army ants work together to form bridges with their bodies so that they can cross obstacles in their path. This shows his great collaboration and problem-solving abilities.

sense of direction
Ants find their way using cues from the sun, magnetic fields, and surroundings. Even after going far away, they return home properly.

mode of communication
Ants communicate with each other through chemicals called pheromones. Through this they share information about food, danger and other things.

various foods
Ants eat a variety of things, including leaves, fungi, and insects. Some species of ants eat insects called “aphids” and protect them in exchange for their sweet nectar.

war strategies
Ants fight for territories and resources. These battles are highly organized, with gold ants using strategies that are very similar to human warfare.

role in environment
Ants aerate the soil, spread seeds, and control pests. This helps in maintaining environmental balance.

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