death humanity’s biggest mystery


Just 11 minutes: Charlotte was clinically dead for 11 minutes, which is almost twice the 5 minutes usually used to determine death. During this time, Charlotte claimed that she experienced a trip to heaven, where she met angels and members of her family and even got a glimpse of hell. She said, “I was in control of my body. I could see that the doctor was doing CPR. There were nurses everywhere. I smelled the most beautiful flowers and then I heard music.”
This experience showed him a place which he considered heaven. Charlotte said, “When I opened my eyes, I knew where I was. I knew I was in heaven.” Describing heaven, Charlotte spoke of a feeling of joy, in which there was no fear. He said, “I saw trees, saw grass. Everything was dancing with music as everything in heaven worships God. This is a million times greater than our thoughts.”

Charlotte also referred to the young and healthy forms of her deceased family members and historical saints. He recalled, “I saw my mother, father and sister. They were all healthy and young. “No one was wearing glasses.” Charlotte was also reunited with a child she lost during pregnancy. But there was also a black phase of his journey, when God took him to the edge of hell. He said, “I looked down and smelled dirty flesh. I heard screams. After seeing the beauty of heaven, this scene of hell was difficult to bear.”

: Death is one of the biggest mysteries of humanity, which has been forcing people to think for centuries. Despite advances in medicine and technology, the question of what happens after death still remains unresolved. In 2019, Charlotte Holmes, 68, of Wichita, Kansas, had an extraordinary experience that strengthened her faith in the afterlife. Charlotte was admitted to the hospital due to sudden high blood pressure. Her condition deteriorated rapidly and while doctors were trying to revive her, she became unconscious.

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