If you drink beer daily then know the advantages and disadvantages related to it.


Summer season is going on. The demand for beer is highest during this period. Often, whenever an event has to be celebrated, the first demand for cold beer is made from friends. But friend, you will be shocked if you know the benefits of drinking beer with friends. Actually, drinking beer has many benefits for good health. But for this it is important that beer is drunk in the right quantity. What are the benefits of drinking beer?

Bones get strength

Drinking beer is very important for your bones. Beer contains an element called silicon which helps in developing bones. If a glass of beer is consumed once or twice a day, there is a risk of bone fracture.

Helpful in case of diabetes

By drinking beer you also get relief from diabetes. Actually, beer increases insulin sensitivity in the body, which reduces the risk of getting type 2 diabetes by 25%.

Beneficial in Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s is a disease when a person starts forgetting everything. People who regularly consume beer reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer’s by 23%. This is because beer increases the good cholesterol in the body. . Due to which the blood flow in the brain improves and the metabolism of the brain remains better.

Beneficial in insomnia problem

If you also do not sleep at night, then it could be insomnia. Beer acts as a nightcap to this problem. Drinking beer after eating will give you a peaceful sleep. This is because beer increases the flow of dopamine in the brain which relaxes the body.

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