This man designed both Taj Mahal and Red Fort: Know about Ustad Ahmad Lahori | Knowledge News


Knowledge News

During the reign of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan who was a patron of art and architecture, Ustad Ahmad Lahori was the chief Mughal architect and engineer.

New Delhi: The Taj Mahal and Red Fort are two of India’s most important UNESCO Heritage Sites. Both were constructed during the reign of Shah Jahan and represent the pinnacle of Mughal architecture. They are intricately designed and inspire awe among those who see them. Interestingly, both monuments were designed by the same architect. In this article, we will take a look at the life and legacy of the architect.

Ustad Ahmad Lahori: The architect of the Taj Mahal and Red Fort

During the reign of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan who was a patron of art and architecture, Ustad Ahmad Lahori was the chief Mughal architect and engineer. He led the construction of several Mughal monuments, including the Taj Mahal and the Red Fort. Also, he designed the Jama Mosque in Delhi.

As is evident from his name, Ahmad hailed from Lahore and even after his family migrated to Delhi, the members of the family were called by the epithet ‘Lahori’. Notably, Lahori was used as a synonym for Punjabi by historical writers like Amir Khusro and even by Mughal Emperor Jahangir.

The Mughal architecture reached its peak during the reign of Shah Jahan who displayed the greatest interest in building new magnificent buildings and met his architects daily during the construction of something. As per the court chronicler Abdul Hamid Lahori, Shah Jahan would change the designs of architects and ask them competent questions.

Lahori was adept in mathematics, geometry, and astronomy. His son Lutf Allah Muhandis stated that Lahori also knew Ptolemy’s Almagest and Euclid’s Elements. In 1631, Shah Jahan appointed him to work on the construction of the Taj Mahal. A board of architects led by Ahmad Lahori supervised the work of 20,000 artisans. It took 12 years to construct the Taj Mahal.

Later, Shah Jahan transferred Lahori to Delhi and ordered him to construct Shahjahanabad, the new imperial city in 1639. The construction of the city’s buildings, including the Red Fort, was completed by 1648. In the same year, Lahori began to work on the project of Delhi’s imperial mosque which we know as Jama Masjid. Even though he designed it, Lahori passed away in 1649 before the mosque’s foundation was laid. It was completed by architect Ustad Khalil.

Swapnajit Kundu

Swapnajit Kundu has almost four years of experience in digital journalism. He can edit copies, handle live blogs, and write hard news along with feature articles. He has previously worked in the digital desk of Deccan Herald.

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