High Country Humane Names Cat Room After Garrison Brown, Honoring His Love for Felines


In a heartfelt tribute, the High Country Humane Animal Shelter in Arizona has dedicated their cat adoption room to Robert Garrison Brown, commemorating the young man’s profound affection for cats and his impactful legacy. Garrison, the son of ‘Sister Wives’ stars Kody and Janelle Brown, tragically passed away at the tender age of 25, leaving behind a legacy of compassion and love for animals. The shelter’s gesture aims to ensure his memory and contributions to animal welfare are forever remembered.

Commemorating Garrison’s Legacy

Garrison’s untimely departure on March 5 was met with an outpouring of grief and remembrance, not only from his family but from the broader community he touched with his kindness. In recognition of his passion for cats, including those he adopted from High Country Humane, the shelter has named their cat adoption room in his honor. A touching plaque featuring Garrison with his beloved cats Catthew Patches and Ms. Buttons now adorns the room, serving as a perpetual reminder of his gentle spirit and compassion.

A Community United in Grief and Love

The news of Garrison’s passing, confirmed by his parents and further detailed by Lieutenant Charles M. Hernandez II of the Flagstaff Police Department, shook the community. In response, individuals from across the country rallied to support the cause Garrison cared deeply about. Jane Horton, Development Director at High Country Humane, shared that in the wake of Garrison’s death, the shelter received over $25,000 in donations in his memory. This overwhelming response not only highlights the profound impact Garrison had on those around him but also ensures his passion for animal welfare continues to make a difference.

Remembering Garrison

Garrison’s story is a poignant reminder of the indelible mark one individual’s compassion can leave on the world. As the High Country Humane continues to honor his memory, those who knew him and even those who didn’t are inspired by his love for animals and his commitment to making their lives better. The renaming of the cat adoption room is more than a tribute; it’s a continuation of Garrison’s legacy, encouraging others to share in his compassion and support for animal welfare.

Through this gesture, Garrison’s spirit lives on, touching the lives of countless cats and the people who love them, just as he did. It’s a testament to how the love and actions of one person can ripple through a community, inspiring kindness and change long after they’re gone.

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