If there are dark circles on the face, then follow this method, the effect will be visible soon.


If there are dark circles on the face, then follow this method, the effect will be visible soon.

Lifestyle News Desk, Dark circles i.e. dark circles under the eyes work to ruin the look. It is not easy to remove them and people even take the help of makeup to hide them. Dark circles are a common problem as it can affect both men and women. It is common knowledge among most of the people that darkness under the eyes means dark circles. Whereas most of the people do not know how many types are there. Have you ever thought that there can be types of dark circles also? Let us tell you how many types of dark circles there are and what things you can take help of to remove them.

Why do dark circles occur?

The skin under the eyes is sensitive and easily becomes victim of pigmentation. With increasing age, the skin starts becoming loose and its effect is mostly visible on the skin under the eyes. Due to lack of collagen, the skin starts darkening and the skin under the eyes starts darkening rapidly.

There are three types of dark circles

Dark Brown Circles: Eyes look tired due to dark brown circles. There are many reasons behind its occurrence, which include inflammation, allergy, rubbing the eyes, hormonal problems or genetic problems. To eliminate or reduce such dark circles, it is important to pay attention to health. Avoid rubbing the eyes again and again.

Black Dark Circles: In most cases such dark circles occur. Darkness under the eyes is a common problem nowadays and its main reason is considered to be stress or less sleep. Apart from this, black dark circles also occur due to lack of collagen production. Even if there is fatty tissue in the skin, this problem can bother. To overcome this, maintain hydration in the skin. Eat cucumber or other things.

Blue or purple dark circles: This type of problem occurs when lifestyle is not right. These dark circles can occur due to poor digestion, poor blood circulation, lack of sleep, iron deficiency, dehydration. To get relief from these, one should follow the routine of complete sleep, steam twice a week, healthy diet and drinking maximum water.

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