Infertility cases are continuously increasing among those who marry late, know the reason and treatment from experts.


According to a research, the problem of infertility is more common in working women because they have more work stress which affects their menstrual cycle.

Infertility News: Have you and your spouse married late and are now facing problems in having children, then you are not alone. Statistics show that 10 to 15% of couples who marry late are struggling with the problem of infertility. There can be many reasons for the problem of infertility in those who marry late, such as you or your partner having health problems. Infertility has a very negative impact on your partner’s health.

Infertility is becoming a major problem in India, yet this problem is ignored in public discussion on health issues which has tremendous detrimental effect on the reproductive life of people in the long run.

Many types of methods are effective in getting rid of the problem of infertility. There are many types of therapies which are helpful in getting rid of this problem, however, there are some cases in which even after a lot of efforts, the couple is unable to get the happiness of having a child.

Let us know about the causes and treatment of infertility in couples at present…

Infertility problem increasing due to delay in marriage
According to Dr. Archana Dhawan Bajaj, Gynecologist, Obstetrician and IVF specialist at Nurture IVF Clinic, ‘Delay in marriage often causes problems in conceiving, but its solution is also possible with modern technology. Apart from this, infertility also depends on many other reasons. With treatments like IVF and ICSI, couples can attain the happiness of having a child.

no need to worry

Doctors say that if you are also struggling with the problem of infertility, then instead of getting worried, you need to take the right treatment at the right time. One of the most prominent symptoms of infertility in people who marry late is their inability to conceive naturally.

If you are having trouble conceiving even after 6 months of trying, you should consult a doctor immediately. Infertility problems start increasing in women above 35 years of age.

decline in egg reserves
With increasing age, egg production in women decreases, which is a major cause of infertility. Women are born with a certain amount of eggs. As soon as birth takes place, the number of eggs starts decreasing. After the age of 35, there is a sharp decline in the number of eggs.

Infertility problem is more common in working women
According to a research, the problem of infertility is more common in working women because they have more work stress which affects their menstrual cycle. Any type of stress affects your menstrual cycle, stress has emerged as a major factor in increasing the problem of infertility. Affecting the menstrual cycle leads to polycystic ovarian syndrome and other diseases which can later turn into infertility.

Such women should be careful

Women who have severe pain during periods, or your menstrual cycle is irregular, or you have heavy bleeding during menstruation, the number of eggs is decreasing or there is a history of miscarriage in your family or you have any type of If you have any health problem, it can affect your fertility, in such a case you should immediately consult a doctor.

Apart from this, men may have problems like erectile dysfunction, decline in sperm count which can cause infertility in the couple.

Infertility treatment for late marriages

If your marriage took place late and if you are not able to conceive even after long efforts, then you do not need to be disappointed. Today, many types of treatments are available in medical science like fertility medicines, surgery etc.

ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology): ART can be an effective way to get rid of the problem of infertility. ART includes techniques like IVF and IUI. Apart from this, ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) is another way to increase fertility. According to research, IVF is the best way to get rid of the problem of infertility in women who marry late.

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