It is wrong to give these things on the palm


In astrology, it is prohibited to do such things which take away the happiness and prosperity of the house. Therefore, these things should never be done. For example, you must have often seen that elders prohibit giving some things on the palm. It is not considered good to give these things directly on someone’s palm. By doing this Mother Lakshmi gets angry and poverty comes in the house. There are unrest and fights in the house. Let us know about those things whose palming becomes the cause of quarrels in the house.

Do not put these things on your palm

– According to astrology, salt should not be given on anyone’s hand. Instead, keep it in a plate and bowl and give salt. Giving salt directly into the hands of another person leads to a fight and the virtue decreases.

According to astrology, never give chilli directly on anyone’s hand, rather always give chilli in a bowl or plate. Otherwise doing so will cause fights between them.

Similarly, water for drinking should not be given in someone’s hand or finger, but should be given in a vessel. This causes loss of wealth, religion and virtue.

Similarly, roti should also always be given in a plate etc. By giving bread in hand, the blessings of the house go away. Always give bread with respect. Even if you serve roti in someone’s plate, do not carry the roti in your hand, rather keep the roti in a plate and then serve it in someone’s plate.

Similarly, do not give a handkerchief to any person, rather keep it somewhere so that the person in front of you can pick it up with his hand. Putting a handkerchief in your hand causes financial loss.

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