Make healthy food custard for Ramzan, know the recipe to make it


In our India, whenever any festival comes, the dish of any festival remains famous and it is made specially and hence today we have brought special fruits custard for you and which is for those who are fasting in Ramadan. It is very healthy and can be made quickly. Let us tell you how to make custard recipe in this article.

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Ingredients of Ramzan Custard Fruits:-
one liter full cream milk
two tablespoons custard powder
cut an apple into small pieces
taking out a pomegranate seed
ten to twelve grapes
a kiwi cut into pieces
10-12 cashew nuts whole
sugar as per taste

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Recipe for Ramzan Custard Fruits:-
If today you also want to make Fruits Custard on the occasion of Ramzan, then what you have to do first is that take out only half a cup of cold milk from one liter and keep the rest of the milk boiling on the gas. Keep the milk boiling and turn the gas on low. Add 3 to 4 tsp of sugar as per taste and mix the custard powder in the half cup of milk taken out in a bowl, make the batter well and add the custard to the boiling milk on gas by pouring it in a thin stream from the top on low flame. Take it and stir it evenly with a spoon and let it thicken for 5-7 minutes, but take care that it does not flow, otherwise take it out in a bowl and put the bowl in a vessel with water and cool it while stirring it with a spoon. Do this so that the cream does not freeze on top and when the custard milk cools down, keep it in the fridge for 30-40 minutes and add all the chopped fruits and pomegranate seeds to it and when the fruit custard is ready, keep it in the fridge. Whenever you serve, sprinkle cashew nuts on top. And garnish with pomegranate seeds and now your fruit custard is ready and now if you want, you can garnish with dry fruits.

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