National Boss’ Day 2024: When did the day start and why is it important? | Knowledge News


Knowledge News

National Boss’ Day is observed on or around October 16. It is a day for employees to thank their bosses for their kindness and fairness throughout the year.

New Delhi: October 16 is National Boss’ Day. This day is meant to show appreciation for the leaders who guide us at work. It’s a time for employees to thank their bosses for being kind and fair throughout the year. While some think it is just a commercial holiday, it’s a chance to recognise our bosses’ hard work and dedication. They often carry the responsibility of making important decisions. Let’s take a look at why and when this day was started.

National Boss Day 2024: When did the day start and why is it important?

National Boss’ Day holds historical significance, established with a noble purpose. It is observed on October 16 every year, and if it falls on a weekend, it is celebrated on the next working day. Patricia Bays Haroski created this day in 1958 to honour her father, who was her boss.

The intention was to strengthen the relationship between bosses and employees and to shed light on the demanding nature of bosses’ work. Haroski realised that young employees might not fully comprehend the dedication and challenges their bosses face. Four years later, in 1962, Illinois Governor Otto Kerner endorsed Haroski’s idea and formally declared the day.

The role of a boss is not just about issuing instructions and supervising operations. Their management approach and demeanour significantly influence the work environment and employee morale, underscoring the importance of their role.

National Boss Day is an opportunity to acknowledge exceptional supervisors and their contributions to the professional sphere. Despite the perception of glamour associated with the role, being a boss is inherently demanding.

Nevertheless, effective supervisors are pivotal in fostering a more manageable work-life balance and guiding employees along their career trajectories.

A boss’ support and direction are invaluable, transforming work into a collaborative endeavour that breeds success.

Phrases like “Like a Boss” and “Girl Boss” have garnered widespread acclaim, representing empowerment, leadership, and accomplishment. These expressions encapsulate a favourable perspective on leadership, inspiring one to lead with unwavering confidence and resolve.

The author writes for Knowledge and Utility desk. She has been associated with News9Live for more than one year.

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