The ultimate truth of every person’s life is death. Whatever person is born, his death is certain. Despite this being the ultimate truth, people remain afraid of dying as to how death will touch them in the last moments. Everyone is curious to know how death will happen in the last moments, an attempt has been made to answer this question in palmistry astrology. According to Pandit Ashish Upmanyu, some lines on the hand give us an indication as to how death will occur. This has been mentioned in detail in the science of Palmistry.
star mark on life line
According to Palmistry, if there is a star symbol on the Life Line in the palm of a person, then the death of such people is not natural, rather these people are victims of untimely death. These people die due to disease, suicide, murder etc.
Cross mark appears on the life line
If the life line in the palm of a person is blocked or crossed by any other line, then such a person dies suddenly. Such people do not live long. Apart from this, if a person has a mark like a dot at the end of the life line in his hand, then he may also die in a road accident.
life line deep and thick
If the life line in the hand of a person is very deep and thick in the beginning but gradually becomes thin as he progresses, then such a person suffers from diseases and due to the disease, he dies prematurely. They also have to face huge troubles in their life.