Perfect time to have dinner: Study says there is an ideal time to have the last meal | Health Conditions News


Perfect time to have dinner: Study says there is an ideal time to have the last meal

A study published the Frontiers in Nutrition journal explored the effects of an early dinner on health and associated it with a long life.

New Delhi: The virtues of timing meals is known to a few, but those that follow it reap all the benefits. Not many people know the benefits of eating an early dinner, but several study shows that finishing the last meal of the day before the clock strikes a particular hour in the evening can boost the odds of living a long, disease-free life. Read on to know how an early dinner can work wonders for health.

Dinner being the last meal of the day is often delayed for most people. Be it a dearth of time, or due to any other factor, a late dinner is often seen as a contributing factor for chronic and acute health problems such as diabetes, metabolic disorders and heart diseases. But on the other hand, recent studies show that an early dinner is not quite better but also linked to a lower risk of diseases and even longevity – but now, a study says that eating dinner at 7pm could help one reap all these health benefits effortlessly.

How does a late dinner affect health?

Late dinner, as per experts, can disrupt the body’s natural rhythm thereby leading to metabolic disorders and weight gain in a long run. Therefore, a smaller eating window is recommended for the purpose of fighting obesity, diabetes and other diseases naturally.

The concept, known as circadian rhythm, advises eating an early breakfast and early dinner to keep the metabolic system working well. Ideally, one must eat between 7am to 3pm as per experts. But as per experts, eating it around 7pm can also do the trick to fight diseases naturally.

Doctors say that eating dinner between 7-8pm is imperative for wellbeing. In a nutshell, eating the last meal before sunset is perfect for health, even for those who are following the intermittent fasting routine. According to experts, eating at this time helps align the time with the natural circadian rhythm which optimises metabolism and digestion.

It allows the body enough time to digest food before going to bed thereby enhancing sleep quality and overall health.
A study published the Frontiers in Nutrition journal explored the effects of an early dinner on health and associated it with a long life.

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