Perinatal Hospice Care Benefits Women Facing Fatal Fetal Anomalies, Challenges Abortion Norm


A recent analysis has shed light on the experiences of pregnant women who, faced with the heart-wrenching diagnosis of life-limiting conditions in their unborn babies, opted for perinatal hospice care instead of abortion. This study, conducted by the Family Research Council, a Christian non-profit organization, reveals a significant satisfaction and emotional support among these women, highlighting a strong preference for life-affirming choices in tragic circumstances.

Understanding Perinatal Hospice Care

Perinatal hospice care offers a compassionate alternative for parents who learn that their unborn child may not survive long after birth. This specialized care includes emotional support, counseling, and assistance in creating meaningful memories with their child, however brief their time together may be. The study surveyed 82 women across 11 hospice programs, revealing an overwhelming approval of the services provided. A notable 83% of participants described the emotional support they received as ‘very supportive’, and 79% could not identify any aspect of the program that did not aid in their grieving process.

Challenges and Choices

Despite these positive experiences, the journey to perinatal hospice care is fraught with challenges. More than half of the women surveyed were initially encouraged by healthcare professionals to consider abortion upon diagnosis. This suggests a lack of awareness or reluctance among medical practitioners to recommend perinatal hospice as a viable option. Moreover, the financial accessibility of these services remains a concern, with only a quarter of the participants reporting that their insurance covered perinatal hospice care.

The Path Forward

The findings of this study underscore the need for greater awareness and availability of perinatal hospice care as a life-affirming option for families confronted with devastating prenatal diagnoses. Dr. Michael New, an associate professor at the Catholic University of America and co-author of the report, emphasizes the importance of educating policymakers, healthcare professionals, and the public about perinatal hospice. By increasing the visibility and accessibility of these services, more women might choose perinatal hospice care, affirming the value of every life, no matter how brief.

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