Why is producer Harvey Weinstein suing NYC Health and Hospitals after being admitted to hospital? | Hollywood News
Hollywood producer Harvey Weintein is considering to sue New York City Health and Hospitals after he was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer in October. He is currently serving his sentence in prison over sexual criminal acts. Dig inside for more details!
Havey Weintein admitted to hospital, to sue NYC officials
[Photo Credit: Photo credit: Seth Wenig – Pool/Getty Images]
New Delhi: Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, who is serving his sentence in prison for multiple sex crime charges. has been admitted to the hospital for treatment after being diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukaemia, a type of bone marrow cancer. The Hollywood producer, 72, has now accused New York City officials of “medical negligence”.
According to the New York Post report, his team is considering legal action, alleging that New York City officials refused to keep him at Bellevue Hospital during his upcoming retrials, risking his health. Let’s delve into more details!
Havey Weinstein admitted to the hospital
Harvey Weinstein is facing retrials on two charges as he battles a serious bone marrow cancer that was diagnosed last year. Now, his team has claimed that the producer is not receiving adequate treatment while being in custody, as per the New York Post. The report also stated that his team is considering legal action against NYC Health and Hospitals and Bellevue Hospital.
The team told the publication that they are “deeply concerned about the medical negligence toward him”. The spokesperson clarified that since Harvey holds the Rikers Island officials, and Correctional Health Services in high regard, they don’t feel they are responsible. The insider further pointed out that “refusing to allow him to stay at Bellevue during his trial is a serious mistake that could impact his ability to attend retrials”.
The spokesperson further alleged that the treatment he is receiving is a “trobling agenda to hinder him through inadequate healthcare” and Harvey has called his legal counsel to sue the NYC Health and Hospitals and Bellevue. The report also claimed that he has experienced multiple health issues after receiving treatment at the jail.
About Harvey Weinstein’s case
In 2020, Harvey Weinstein was accused of first-degree sexual crime and third-degree rape. Post the trials, he was sentenced to 23 years in prison but his conviction was overturned in April this year. However, he continues to plead not guilty.
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