World’s unique traffic jam, jam lasted for 12 days


World’s Longest Traffic Jam : Traffic jam is a big problem. Do you know how many hours the world’s biggest traffic jam lasts? If you don’t know, then know that the world’s biggest traffic jam lasts for 12 days. The world’s biggest traffic jam did not occur in India. The world’s longest traffic jam is in China. There was a traffic jam on a highway in China for 12 consecutive days.

The world’s largest and longest traffic jam

Indian citizens often complain about traffic jams. The biggest and longest traffic jam was seen in China, considered the most powerful country in the world. Everyone becomes restless when stuck in traffic jam. It seems that precious time of life is being wasted in traffic jams. After getting stuck in a traffic jam for a few minutes, you start thinking about all these things. Just imagine how you would feel if the traffic jam continues for 12 days. I get goosebumps even thinking about it, but this actually happened. People remained stuck in the traffic jam for 12 days, vehicles did not move at all.

In China’s capital Beijing, people had to go through the world’s longest traffic jam. On the Beijing-Tibet Expressway (China National Highway 110), there was such a traffic jam that was showing no signs of ending. There was a jam for about 100 kilometers long. Vehicles and people sitting in the vehicles remained stranded on the road for 12 days. This jam is the longest jam ever in the history of the entire world. As far as the eye could see, only vehicles were visible.

On August 14, there was the world’s longest traffic jam on the Beijing-Tibet Expressway. The jam was so long that people were stuck in vehicles for 12 days. Ate there, drank there and even had to sleep in the traffic jam. This traffic jam was caused by trucks carrying coal and construction materials from Mongolia to Beijing. At that time the Beijing-Tibet Expressway was under construction. Therefore vehicles were not able to pass. Due to the ongoing work on the expressway, the traffic was made one-way.

Trucks that were carrying construction materials from Mongolia to Beijing had blocked the exit from Beijing. Within no time the jam became so long that it took 12 days for the administration to clear the jam. While the expressway was being built, the convoy of trucks bringing coal from Mongolia could not pass through the road. Many vehicles had also broken down, due to which the road was blocked. The jam was such that the vehicles stuck there were able to cover a distance of only 1 kilometer in a day. This incident of the world’s longest traffic jam occurred on 14 August 2010. Even after 14 years of this incident, it is considered to be the longest jam in the world. There has never been such a long traffic jam in the world before or after. World’s Longest Traffic Jam

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