5 most common hospital acquired infections you need to be vary of | Health News


Nearly 10 to 20 per cent of patients admitted to hospitals acquire nosocomial infections in India. There are various reasons why these infections occur, including the presence of microorganisms in hospitals, weak immunity, invasive procedures, antibiotic resistance and poor hygiene condition. Know 5 most common hospital-acquired infections

Anyone admitted to a hospital is at risk of contracting a hospital-acquired infection. (Image: Pixabay)

New Delhi: Hospitalisation and infection acquiring risk go hand in hand. Often there are incidences when a patient gets admitted to a hospital and ends up having multiple or some kind of infection. The burden of hospital-acquired infections significantly affects the patient’s cost of medical treatment and indirectly impacts the economy of a developing country like India.

Nearly 10 to 20 per cent of patients admitted to hospitals acquire nosocomial infections in India. There are various reasons why these infections occur, including the presence of microorganisms in hospitals, weak immunity, invasive procedures, antibiotic resistance and poor hygiene conditions. But what are the most common hospital-acquired infections are:

5 most common hospital-acquired infections

Pneumonia: Hospital-acquired pneumonia can be spread through healthcare workers, who can spread germs from their hands, clothes and other instruments.

Central Line-associated bloodstream infections: These infections result in a laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infection not associated with an infection at the site.

Urinary tract infections: UTIs are the most common type of hospital-related infection spread, contributing to about 75 per cent of the cases.

Clostridium difficile Infections (CDIs): CDIS are also a common hospital-acquired infection which spreads through infected surfaces or equipment and poor hand hygiene.

Surgical Site Infections (SSIs): As per experts, these infections spread because they occur on the part of the body where the surgery was conducted.

What are the symptoms of hospital-acquired infections?

According to reports, common infection symptoms include fever, chills, changes in mood or mental health, productive cough, breathlessness, palpitations, abdominal pain, flank pain, suprapubic pain, polyuria, dysuria, and diarrhoea. Crucial signs can reflect signs of systemic inflammatory conditions like sepsis.

Who is at risk for nosocomial infections?

Anyone admitted to a hospital is at risk of contracting a hospital-acquired infection. Depending on the type of bacteria your risks may vary:

Weak immunity

Your hospital roommate

How long has the patient been using antibiotics

Whether or not you have a urinary catheter

Prolonged ICU stay

If the patient has been in a coma

If someone has experienced shock

Any trauma you’ve experienced

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