The price of this food is equal to the price of gold, consuming it gives these miraculous health benefits.


Expensive Food for Health: Different prices have to be paid for different types of food around the world. But do you know that there are many such foods around the world whose price runs into lakhs. Let us know about some such foods whose price will surprise you.

In fact, a special type of sea food found by the name of Almas Caviar is considered very beneficial for health, whose price is said to be in lakhs. Let us know what are the health benefits of eating Almas caviar and what is its price?

The price of caviar is Rs 28 lakh per kg.

According to a report, Almas caviar is a special type of seafood found in the ovaries of fish, which has four different varieties. The price of this special variety of food is 34500 US dollars i.e. 28 lakh 74 thousand rupees per kg.

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Almas caviar is obtained from this fish

According to a report, a seafood called Almas caviar is extracted from the sturgeon fish found in the Capitan Sea near Iran, whose age is more than 100 years. Sturgeon fish is a rare species of fish from which white colored almas caviar comes out. Almas caviar, which tastes like walnuts and salty, is very beneficial for health.

Eating caviar gives these health benefits

Elements of Vitamin B12 are found in Almas Caviar which removes the problem of weakness as well as fatigue from the body. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in high quantities in caviar, which are also very beneficial for brain development.

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