Winter ailments: Experts warn indoor heating can exacerbate dry eye symptoms | Health Conditions News


Winter ailments: Experts warn indoor heating can exacerbate dry eye symptoms

Dry eyes can be managed by lifestyle choices (Photo credit: Pexels)

New Delhi: Winter is a period where a lot of people develop eye issues, particularly irritation or dryness of eyes. Certainly, exploring the link between winters and dry eyes presents an opportunity to enlighten the audience on a common seasonal concern.

Dr Anita Sethi, Director and HOD, Ophthalmology – Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram, explained, “During colder months, indoor heating and harsh weather conditions can exacerbate dry eye symptoms. To prevent this, individuals can prioritise protective measures, including using humidifiers, staying well-hydrated, and wearing appropriate eye protection outdoors. Educating viewers on the importance of regular eye breaks and a nutrient-rich diet adds a preventive layer.”

Link between dry eyes and winter

Dr Tushar Tayal, Consultant, Internal Medicine, CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram listed reasons why dry eyes cases increase during winters:

• Low humidity: During the winter, the air is drier, both indoors and outdoors. This can evaporate the tears from your eyes, leaving them feeling dry and irritated.
• Cold temperatures: It reduce tear production because of construction of blood vessels near the tear glands on exposure to cold air .
• Wind: Wind can also dry out your eyes by blowing away tears and exposing your eyes to dry air.
• Indoor heating: Indoor heating systems can also dry out your eyes by removing moisture from the air.

Treatment for dry eyes

When it comes to treatment, a multifaceted approach is key. Dr Sethi said, “Over-the-counter lubricating eye drops offer immediate relief, while lifestyle adjustments like managing screen time and incorporating omega-3 fatty acids into the diet can contribute to long-term management. For severe cases, consulting with an eye care professional ensures tailored treatment plans.”

This comprehensive overview not only addresses the seasonal concern but equips the audience with practical strategies for prevention and effective management of dry eyes during winter.

If you experience dry eyes in the winter, Dr Tayal said there are a few things you can do to relieve your symptoms:

  • Use artificial tears: Artificial tears are a type of eye drop that can help to lubricate your eyes and relieve dryness. They are available over-the-counter at most drugstores.
  • Use a humidifier: A humidifier can add moisture to the air in your home, which can help to prevent your eyes from drying out.
  • Wear protective eyewear: When you are outdoors in the winter, wear protective eyewear, such as sunglasses or goggles. This will help to protect your eyes from the wind and dry air.
  • Hydrate adequately: Maintain proper hydration by drinking plenty of water throughout the day to support overall tear production.
  • Reduce screen time: Limit screen time, as prolonged exposure to digital devices can strain and dry out the eyes.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Consider incorporating omega-3 fatty acids into your diet through fish, nuts, or supplements. These fatty acids play a role in tear gland function.
  • Avoid rubbing eyes: Refrain from rubbing your eyes, as this can worsen irritation .
  • Avoid eye makeup if you are suffering from dry eyes.

Precautions one must take

For more severe cases, prescription eye drops may be prescribed by an eye doctor. These drops may contain specific ingredients to address the underlying cause of dryness.

Schedule regular eye exams with your eye doctor to monitor your eye health and detect any potential issues early on.

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