“Bonyo Primer Golpo” is a Bengali crime thriller web series that delves into the complexities of love, obsession, and crime. The series, produced by Hoichoihas garnered significant attention for its gripping storyline, intense performances, and dark themes.
Key Details:
- platform: Hoichoi
- Genre: Crime Thriller, Psychological Drama
- seasons: 2
- Language: Bengali
- Director: Sani Ghosh Ray
Plot Overview:
- The series begins with a gruesome murder mystery that unravels deep, dark secrets about love and obsession.
- It explores the psychological aspects of crime, where passion and love take a twisted turn.
- The lead characters are caught in a web of deceit, revenge, and dangerous relationships.
- Tnusree Chakraborty
- Gaurav Chakrabarty
- Rudranil Ghosh
- Saayoni Ghosh
- The series is known for its intense storytelling, where love is shown in its most raw and primal form.
- It combines elements of romance and suspense with a psychological edge, making it a unique entry in Bengali web series.
- The performances of the cast have been widely appreciated for their depth and intensity.
- “Bonyo Premer Golpo” received praise for its bold narrative and compelling visuals.
- Fans of crime thrillers and psychological dramas have particularly enjoyed the series.