In Haryana, a marriage took place with one rupee and coconut, gave a message to the society.
Awareness has started coming in the society to eradicate the demon of dowry and people are now abandoning this social evil and trying to give meaning to the slogan of bride is dowry. In this series, Jagdish Swami, resident of Bhurtwala village, set an example before the society by taking a coconut worth one rupee at the wedding of his son Jayvindra Swami.
Jagdish Swami told that his son’s marriage was fixed with Monica, daughter of Narayan Swami, resident of Charanvasi Rajasthan. At the time of marriage, an amount of lakhs of rupees was kept as dowry by the bride’s side, but the groom’s side returned the amount by picking up a coconut and said that there is no bigger dowry than the bride. Jagdish Swami said that the greatest wealth belongs to the daughter, who leaves her own house and becomes the daughter-in-law of the next house. This marriage has set a unique example for the society.
Couple attacks dowry system:
The bride and groom said that the youth themselves will have to come forward to remove this evil prevalent in the society. In this simple wedding ceremony, the guests who came to bless the newlywed couple praised the groom’s side for this initiative.