Bride kicks and slaps groom, video goes viral


New Delhi: You have seen many types of viral posts on social media many times. Video Must have seen. Today, if I show you a viral video, you might not be able to stop laughing. But before we start, I want to tell you something. Be it a boy or a girl, wedding day is special for everyone. Whereas if you groom And Bride What would you say if you saw a different style? Yes, something similar happened in a wedding ceremony. Whose video has gone viral on social media and is also creating a stir.

In this viral video you can see that the wedding bond The newly engaged couple is feeding each other rasgullas. This video may seem normal to you in the beginning, but as soon as a few seconds of the video pass, this seemingly calm video turns into a rain of kicks and slaps.

Now you must be wondering what happened that it started raining kicks and slaps. So let us tell you that after marriage this couple They were feeding Rasgulla to each other, during which the bride gets angry and starts kicking and slapping the groom.

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