Chaitra Navratri 2024 | Install the Kalash properly during Chaitra Navratri, know its importance in worshiping Mother Goddess.


Chaitra Navratri 2024, Maa Durga

Chaitra Navratri 2024 (file photo)


Seema Kumari

Navbharat Lifestyle Desk: Chaitra Navratri, the great festival of worship of Shakti, is going to start from Tuesday, April 9 in 2024. In these 9 days, 9 forms of Maa Durga are worshiped with true devotion and faith. The first Navratri is on 9th April and the last Navratri is on 17th April. Kalash is established on the first day and Maa Durga is bid farewell with a Kanya feast on the 9th day.

On the first day of Navratri, devotees install the Kalash before worshiping the Mother Goddess and observing fast. Establishing Kalash or Ghat is considered very important in Navratri puja, especially if you are going to observe a fast during Navratri. In such a situation, today we will tell you what is the religious significance of establishing Kalash on the first day of Navratri and what benefits the devotees get from it.

Keep these things in mind while installing the Kalash

According to astrologers, all the devotees who worship Goddess Durga as per the rituals during Navratri must establish the Kalash on the first day of Navratri. Before installing the Kalash itself, it should be clean and after cleaning the place where you are going to install the Kalash, Ganga water should be sprinkled there first.

After this, after filling the Kalash with water, Ashoka or Mango leaves should be applied on its mouth and after that a red cloth should be wrapped around the coconut and tied with a Kalawa and placed on the mouth of the Kalash. Then Swastika symbol is made on the Kalash with Roli which is considered a symbol of four eras. Keeping betel nut, Durva, Akshat and coin on the mouth of the Kalash is also considered auspicious.

Before installing the Kalash on the first day of Navratri, an altar of sand is also made on which barley is sown. It is believed that the devotee receives the blessings of Mother Annapurna from the barley dwarf and there is never any shortage of money and grains in his life.

After preparing the barley altar, the Kalash is worshiped by lighting incense lamps. Along with worshiping the Kalash, devotees also take a pledge to fast on Navratri and invite the Mother Goddess to their home. After this the worship of Goddess Durga is started. If the Kalash is established with full devotion and rituals and the Goddess is worshiped for nine days of Navratri, then the immense blessings of the Mother always remain on the devotee. The importance of installing the Kalash during Navratri is that it does not create any hindrance in your worship.

According to astrologers, people who believe in Sanatan Dharma install Kalash before any auspicious work. The main reason for this is that the Kalash is considered to be the abode of all the Gods and Goddesses as well as all the places of pilgrimage. Lord Vishnu resides in the mouth of the Kalash, Bholenath in the neck and Brahmaji in the root part, along with this, goddesses reside in the middle part of the Kalash. Besides, Ghat has also been considered a symbol of the power present in the universe. By simply installing Ghat or Kalash, the Vaastu defects present in the house are removed and the puja is successful. Therefore, along with Navratri, there is a tradition of establishing Ghat before any auspicious work.

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