Do dog owners and dogs look the same? Read on to know about it | Knowledge News


Knowledge News

Do dogs and humans look the same? There are some surprising similarities in how we choose our life partners compared to how we pick our friends. Read on to know the reasons why dogs and their owners look the same.

New Delhi: Do dog owners and dogs look the same? Well, a study says so. Several studies show that people can match pictures of purebred dogs with their owners better than random chance. In one study, participants matched dogs with their owners whether they were told to find real pairs or just pairs that looked alike. This suggests that people rely on physical appearance, not other factors, to make these matches.

In this article, let us look at the reasons why dogs and owners look alike.

Dogs and their owners can sometimes look alike for a few reasons

Familiarity: People are generally attracted to familiar things. Since we see our faces daily, we may prefer dogs resembling us.

Choosing partners: People might pick pets based on the same qualities they look for in partners. This is called assortative mating, and it helps find pets that fit well with their own genes.

Love for a family: People often identify with dogs with similar features because they love their families.

Unconscious choices: You may not realise it, but you might have hidden preferences when choosing a pet based on its appearance.

Some aspects of how we look matter more than others. A study from 2015 discovered that facial features, especially the eyes, are key to how we see similarities between people and their dogs. In the study, researchers showed participants pairs of real and fake dog owners while hiding different parts of the dogs’ and owners’ faces. The participants could match the pairs successfully whether they saw just the eye area, the whole face, or the face with the mouth covered. However, their success rate dropped to 50 per cent.

It is amazing to think about how humans’ relationship with dogs began. Humans started domesticating dogs up to 30,000 years ago to help with hunting. Over time, we shaped these animals to look and act like us, allowing us to build a strong emotional bond that connects our two species.

Today, dogs resemble us, behave like us, and – unlike other people – they always return our feelings. In many ways, they reflect our true nature better than we do ourselves. It’s no surprise that we now call them man’s best friend.

The author writes for Knowledge and Utility desk. She has been associated with News9Live for more than one year.

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