Do this work in bed at night, you will get relief from many problems.


In astrology, different solutions have been given for different problems. Which can solve any problem. In astrology, it is believed that by keeping something under the pillow while sleeping, a person gets rid of major problems in life.

In astrology, different solutions have been given for different problems. Which can solve any problem. In astrology, it is believed that by keeping something under the pillow while sleeping, a person gets rid of major problems in life. In such a situation, let us know what these things are.

get rid of negative energy

Before sleeping at night, tie some fennel seeds in a cloth and keep it under your pillow. With its help a person can get rid of many types of defects. At the same time, the problem of bad dreams also goes away and the person gets good sleep. It is believed that keeping fennel seeds under the pillow daily helps in getting rid of negative energy.

relief from bad dreams

Many people have nightmares at night. Due to which they do not sleep well. In such a situation, a person should keep garlic cloves under the pillow while sleeping. By doing this the flow of positive energy is maintained. Also the person gets peaceful sleep.

Vitamin D keeps diseases away

Vitamin D is very important to keep the body healthy. Vitamin D makes bones strong. Vitamin D deficiency occurs in children and the elderly. For proper development of growing children and strengthening of their bones, they should be exposed to sunlight every day. This strengthens the immunity of children. It is important for the elderly to take Vitamin D daily. With this, bone fractures, body pain, back pain and other diseases can be reduced.

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