GMCH doctors successfully performed complex operation through endoscopy


Purnia. After successfully performing countless laparoscopic surgeries at GMCH, the doctors here are now setting new records by performing even complex surgeries in a few minutes with the help of endoscopy/sigmoidoscopy. In this series, today on Friday, a patient whose name was Mo Altamas, a resident of Bayasi, was suffering from rectal polyp at the age of just 2 years. In this, there is a problem of bleeding with stool and the child suffers a lot. When a pediatrician came to know that surgery was possible in a government hospital, he immediately contacted the doctors of GMC. The doctors contacted the superintendent and asked for permission to perform such a complex surgery.

Superintendent Dr. Sanjay Kumar happily gave permission, expressing confidence in his doctors. The very next day, the child was called to the OPD on an empty stomach and the rectal polyp was successfully operated on using endoscope/sigmoidoscope in just 20 minutes. The child is completely healthy and was discharged from the hospital within a few hours. Superintendent Sanjay Kumar said that in future too, he will continue to cooperate with his doctors in providing better benefits to the poor patients of the medical facilities available in GMC. He also congratulated his team of doctors.

Surgeon Dr. Tarakeshwar told that this disease is found in children but open surgery (without endoscope) is difficult and the child has to be admitted in the hospital. But if done through binocular method, there is much less bleeding than cutting the polyp with electric cautery. And the child gets cured soon. He told that if this polyp is not removed in time, it can take the form of cancer. Also, the child has to meet the surgeon again and again and get a colonoscopy done because again There may be a polyp. Due to free testing in the hospital, poor patients have started getting a lot of facilities. In the team of doctors, surgeon Dr. Tarakeshwar Kumar, anesthetist Dr. Vikash Kumar, assistant physician Dr. Amit, Archita Patel achieved this feat.

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