health tips covid infection can stop cancer tumor from growing research


Covid and Cancer Connection : Till now Covid virus is considered very dangerous but now a new study has revealed its benefits. A research published in the journal Clinical Investigation suggested that Covid infection can help the body fight cancer.

It has been said in this research that it also helps in preventing the spread of cancer affected cells. This research conducted on rats has revealed shocking revelations, which can be new hope for the treatment of cancer. Let us know what came out of this research…

Can Covid protect against cancer?

This research may open new avenues for cancer treatment but it does not mean that Covid can prevent cancer. According to research, it explains the importance of the immune system during cancer. Many medicines affect the immune system, which determines its efficacy.

This research was focused on a red blood cell called monocytes, which are immune cells that play an important role in protecting the body from infection and other threats. In cancer patients, sometimes tumor cells prey on monocytes and make them capable of causing cancer and then these cells protect the tumor from the immune system, which can cause the tumor to spread.

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Monocyte cells fight viruses

The research team found that severe Covid infection causes a special type of monocyte cells to be formed in the body, which have the ability to fight cancer. These cells have a special kind of power to fight viruses. These also have different powers to fight cancer cells.

Researchers found that these monocytes have a special receptor, which binds to a specific sequence of Covid RNA. Ankit Bharat, who was a part of this research team from Northwestern University of Chicago, explained by giving the example of a lock and key that if the monocyte is considered a lock, then Covid RNA will prove to be the best key to close it.

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Research on rats, benefit to humans

The research team conducted research on rats suffering from many types of cancer including skin, lungs, breast and intestinal cancer. They gave a drug to mice, which produced a special type of monocytes. Its use gave excellent results. The tumors of rats suffering from cancer of all four stages started shrinking. Unlike normal monocytes that were transformed by tumors into cancer-friendly cells, these specialized monocytes retained their cancer-fighting properties.

These monocytes could reach tumor sites, where most immune cells cannot reach. After the special monocytes reached there, the natural cells that prevent cancer were activated. After which these natural cells attacked the cancer cells and did not allow the tumor to grow.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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