How dangerous are online classes for children, what diseases do they make them victims of?
Nowadays’ children have become addicted to social media. Due to excessive use of electronic gadgets like mobile phone, TV, computer etc. while eating food, online classes are taking place everywhere, people are becoming victims of virtual autism. According to a report, the number of patients suffering from autism is increasing day by day. Many researches have been done on this issue all over the world, in which it has become clear that the risk of virtual autism has increased significantly in children aged 4-5 years. Due to addiction to electronic gadgets like mobile phone, TV and computer, children of today suffer from speech disorders. Nowadays, children have to suffer the most due to modern lifestyle. Even one year old children do not eat food without phone, tab and TV. In this way, the use of phones is increasing among children these days. Children use phones a lot for some reason or the other. Use phone and tab a lot. According to research, excessive screen time has a negative impact on the neurological development and social development of children. Due to this, children are also at risk of neurological disorders.
Because of this, children are at risk of stroke
Eastern Finland University and European Society According to a research conducted by the Cardiology Congress 2023, children who use phones more. The risk of heart disease increases at a young age. This happens because they are not as physically active as they should be while looking at the phone. Children who are less active often have a significantly increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Even if weight and pressure are under control, the risk of heart stroke remains increased. This research has been done on 14,500 children born in 1990 and 1991.
Children will get heart disease due to excessive screen time
Research found that children who watch phones and tabs more, due to which their physical activity is less. Spend more time on phone. Due to which he suffers from serious echocardiography disease. Therefore they are physically inactive.
The risk of these diseases increases
Children who are not physically active. They develop obesity and type-2 diabetes at a very young age. The risk of obesity and diabetes increases in such children. In such children, the risk of neurodegenerative diseases and heart related diseases increases. Nowadays children are getting cut off from society because of phones.
Also read :The risk of heart diseases will reduce, just reduce this one thing in your diet.
How to reduce the screen time of children?
Nowadays both the parents are working, hence they do not give much time to their children. Parents should give maximum time to their children. Talk and play with them.
Take children out of the house like to the park or play a game.
Also read : By exercising only two days a week, the brain will become active, diseases will also go away.
Include children in creative crafts, drawing or other activities at home.
On holidays, teach children to do their work like cleaning bags, shoes and other things.
Teach children to do their favorite activities like dancing, singing, skating or judo karate. Teach.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert."ltr">Also read: This habit can make you a diabetes patient, improve it immediately otherwise…