If you are talking on the phone while working, then this serious neck disease can be fatal.


Health News Desk,Nowadays, almost everyone has a phone in their hands. It is difficult to think about life without a phone. Although mobile phones are made for our convenience, but now these phones have become so dangerous for our lives that people are suffering from diseases related to it at an early age, such as pain with pressure in the nerves and shoulders. People do this in offices too, people talk while working with the phone pressed to their neck, women also do this while working at home. Let us know how serious this problem is.

neck pain
Talking while holding the mobile phone below the neck can cause a serious problem, which is called cervical disc problem. This condition usually occurs when people sit in wrong posture or talk on the phone with their neck bent for a long time. In such a situation, there is pressure on the bones, discs and muscles of the neck, which causes many serious problems.

Due to cervical disc problem
Muscle strain- If we keep the neck in the same position for a long time, the muscles here get stressed and stretched, which can cause pain and discomfort.

Stress in the neck joints – Holding the phone incorrectly puts pressure on the neck joints, which can cause arthritis, swelling and pain.

Pressure on the disc- Excessive pressure on the disc located in the cervical areas can cause disc damage, which causes cervical herniated disc. In this problem, problems like numbness, weakness and pain arise in hands and feet.

Nerve Damage – Excessive pressure on the neck can affect the nerves, causing pain to spread from the neck to the shoulders, arms and other parts of the body.

Early signs of cervical disc
Feeling pain in neck, shoulders and back.
Numbness or tingling in the hands.
Problem of headache and dizziness.
Feeling difficulty in movement.
safety tips
While talking on the mobile phone, sit in the right position, keep your neck straight and back straight.
Avoid sitting in the same posture for a long time. Take a break every 15-20 minutes and can also do light exercises.
Doing some neck exercises and light massage daily can also reduce the problem of muscle strain.

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