International Tea Day: Why is it celebrated and how did it come into existence? | Knowledge News


International Tea Day is annually observed on May 21 to honour its cultural significance and rich history around the globe. The day is annually coordinated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

International Tea Day, representative image. (Photo credit: Unsplash)

New Delhi: International Tea Day is one of the various international days celebrated throughout the year. It is annually observed on May 21 to honour its cultural significance and rich history around the globe. The day is also observed to highlight the crucial role of tea in the development of people and boost the economy of the country.
The annual observation of the day also focuses on raising awareness about the gravity of sustainable tea production and consumption methods. Moreover, the day also highlights the potential health benefits of consuming tea.

Theme of International Tea Day 2024

International Tea Day is annually coordinated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, which also decides on a specific theme to make the observation of the day grand. While the specific theme for the celebration of International Tea Day 2024 has not been declared so far, the celebration will revolve around promoting sustainable production and consumption of tea. With billions of cups of tea consumed every day, tea is one of the most popular beverages across the globe.

The roots of International Tea Day can be traced back to 2005, when International Tea Day campaign was launched by trade unions, small tea growers, and civil society organizations in Asia and Africa. The primary goal of the campaign was to raise awareness about the challenges faced by tea producers. The campaign also included demands of fair prices for tea crops and living wages for workers. The movement for an official International Tea Day gained momentum in 2015, when the Tea Board of India proposed the idea of an official UN-sanctioned International Tea Day to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). It became an official international celebration in 2019, after the UN General Assembly accepted a resolution establishing May 21st as International Tea Day.

Tea: Most consumed liquid drink after water

Tea, which is believed to be originated in northeast India, north Myanmar (Burma) and southwest China, is considered to be the world’s most consumed liquid drink after water. Tea plays a significant role in various countries. It is not just a drink but has historical significance and is related to ancient tradition and culture of the respective countries. Additionally, it is one of the most important cash crops and plays a crucial role in poverty reduction, rural development, and food security. It is considered to be the primary source of livelihood for millions of smallholder producers and gives an additional boost to the economy of countries.

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