Know why the risk of heart attack and stroke increases in bitter cold, know how to take care of yourself


Health News Desk,The risk of diseases increases. In this season, cholesterol hardens and gets deposited in the veins. Due to which the risk of heart attack and stroke also increases. In such a situation, patients suffering from bad cholesterol and high blood pressure need to be more cautious in winter. Such patients can take care of their health by keeping 7 things in mind in this season.

1. Keep blood pressure under control
If you want to reduce the risks of stroke and heart attack, then it is most important that you keep BP under control. Reduce salt in food and increase the amount of fruits, green vegetables and salads. Don’t forget to exercise regularly.

2. Stay away from smoking
Smoking, alcohol, tobacco consumption can increase the risk of stroke manifold. In such a situation, avoid consuming alcohol, cigarettes or any intoxicant. Not only this, also avoid quick energy drinks or soda.

3. Schedule exercise
Workout only for 30 minutes a day. Avoid any kind of hardcore exercise. Exercises like morning walk or climbing stairs can prove to be good. Aerobic exercises like cycling and jogging can also be beneficial.

4. Keep cholesterol under control
Do not let the level of LDL cholesterol in the blood become high. Otherwise, they can accumulate in the veins and disrupt blood circulation. Therefore, to control cholesterol, you can start eating raw garlic and fenugreek on an empty stomach in the morning.

5. Get a blood test
At what level is your body functioning right now? There is no problem in this. For this, get your sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol checked on doctor’s advice. If any kind of problem appears, consult a doctor.

6. Avoid getting up early
If you have heart disease or have faced risks like stroke, there is no need to get up in the morning during the winter season. Leave the bed only when the temperature becomes normal. Otherwise the blood may thicken and there may be problems in blood circulation.

7. Do not make this mistake while bathing
While bathing in winter season, you can take bath with hot water but never pour water directly on your head. First of all pour water on the feet, back or neck and only then pour water on the head and take bath. Apart from this, do not come out of the bathroom immediately after bathing. Wear your clothes and go out comfortably.

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