Manage sugar level at home like this, there will be no need to visit the doctor


How to Control Blood Sugar: In today’s busy life, society has started considering many diseases as normal. The problem of diabetes i.e. high blood sugar level is also one of these. This disease has spread rapidly in our country in the last decade. Just accepting high blood sugar level as normal does not reduce its adverse effects. That is why in today’s article we will tell you some methods to control high blood sugar level and will also discuss the normal sugar level range.

This range of blood sugar is generally considered normal

Just like there is a scale in medical science to measure everything. Similarly, there is a level for considering blood sugar level as normal. When this level increases too much, it is called diabetes.

  1. If a person’s sugar level is checked without eating anything, then his level should be 70 to 100 milligrams per deciliter.
  2. If a person checks his sugar level after two and a half hours of eating, then his sugar level should be below 140 mg per deciliter.
  3. The normal sugar level for a teenager aged thirteen to nineteen is between 90 to 105.
  4. The normal sugar level range for a child up to five years of age is considered to be 80 to 100.

How to manage blood sugar level at home(How to control sugar, home remedies)

Blood sugar level can be kept under control with a good lifestyle. Let us know about some of its methods:-

  1. To keep sugar levels under control, you should not consume processed sugar. If you want to eat sweets then stevia can prove to be a good option for you.
  2. You might be surprised to know that our body is dependent on bread, rice, potatoes and
  • No one can differentiate between sugar. These things have only one thing in common. These are all high carb foods. If you want to keep your sugar level under control, then you will have to minimize the intake of carbs. Carbs give us energy and are present in most of the foods in our daily routine. We cannot reduce these to zero but we can definitely limit them.
  • If you are overweight then losing weight can also bring your sugar level under control. To lose weight, you have to eat protein rich foods which keep you full for a longer time. This will prevent you from overeating and it will become easier for you to lose fat.
  • Staying stress free and getting good sleep may not affect the sugar level. But due to living under stress and not getting enough sleep, blood
  • There is definitely a negative impact on the sugar level. That is why, even in this stressful life, try to remain stress-free and take seven hours of deep sleep.
  • If you are a diabetic patient then you should continue taking the medicine as per the doctor’s advice. Along with medicine, you can follow these things.
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