Most of the people make these mistakes while eating almonds during cold days, know the right way to eat them.


Health News Desk,People start eating almonds daily during cold days. Almond gives strength to the body and the vitamins found in it help in making the body healthy. Eating almonds brings warmth to the body. Almond is considered to be the most powerful dry fruit in the world. If we know the benefits of almonds, it keeps the heart healthy, reduces weight, gives strength to the body and strengthens the bones. By eating almonds the body gets protein, calcium, fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. But it is important to consume almonds in the right way. So that one can get its full benefits. Most of the people make a big mistake in eating almonds during winter due to which they do not get the full benefit.

Almonds are hot in nature, hence most of the people start eating dry or roasted almonds in winters. People think that almonds should be soaked and eaten only in summer. However, it is not like that. Even in winter, eating soaked almonds is more beneficial. If you eat almonds without salt and oil, its benefits increase even more. It would be better if you always eat almonds after soaking them. Due to this, the harmful elements of almonds die and its nutrients increase manifold. If you eat 20-25 almonds i.e. a handful of almonds when you feel hungry, then it can be a perfect snack for you.

How to eat almonds
You can eat almonds by adding them to laddus in winter. Apart from this, dry roast the almonds and keep them. You can eat almonds like this when you feel hungry. Children can be fed almonds by dipping them in honey. Grind almonds and make powder and give it to children by mixing it in milk. You can eat almond butter by applying it on bread. You can add chopped almonds to porridge. You can also eat chopped almonds by putting them on salad or yogurt. Almonds can be eaten in any form. You can also make roti by mixing it in flour.

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