Scientists discovered a unique planet in space where neither day nor night ever ends, know everything about it.


Scientists discovered a unique planet in space where neither day nor night ever ends, know everything about it.

Science News Desk – Astronomers have discovered a planet that is similar in size to our Earth and is only 55 light years away from Earth. This planet is revolving around a red dwarf star. This discovery published in Nature Astronomy states that an international team of astronomers has discovered this planet. Let us tell you that this is the second planet of its kind orbiting such a star.

A year on Earth is less than a day
This planet takes 17 hours to revolve in its orbit. This means that a year on this planet is shorter than a day on Earth. But, the temperature of the star around which this planet is revolving is half that of our Sun. Apart from this it is 10 times smaller and 100 times less bright. Astronomers say that day and night never end on this planet. Let us tell you that scientists have named this unique Earth-sized planet as SPECULOOS-3 b.

Neither day nor night ever ends!
Professor Michael Gillon, who led this research, says that we believe that this planet rotates synchronously. For this reason, one edge of it always remains towards the sun. For this reason, it is always day on one side and always dark on the other side. Professor Michael is an astronomer at the University of Liège, Belgium. Astronomers from the Universities of Birmingham, Cambridge, Bern and MIT were also involved in this study.

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