These spices will eliminate the problem of spots and blemishes from the face, read the correct ways of consumption.


Masala for Skin Glowing: Many types of home remedies are used to remove spots and blemishes from the face. But still the problem of pimples and black heads persists on the face. The spices used in the kitchen are also very beneficial for skin health. Let us know about some such spices whose consumption always keeps the face glowing.

Consuming turmeric gives amazing glowing effect

Consuming turmeric brings back a wonderful glowing look on the face. Face mask prepared from turmeric removes spots and blemishes from the face. Apart from this, applying honey mixed with turmeric on the face also eliminates pimples.

Small cardamom eliminates acne

To eliminate acne from the face, mix small cardamom in water and leave it for some time. After about 15/20 minutes, filter the water and drink it. Cardamom-water can also be applied on the face.

Nutmeg is beneficial for natural beauty

Many types of minerals are found in nutmeg which are very beneficial for skin health. Mixing lemon juice with nutmeg and applying it on the face brings back natural beauty.

Consuming fennel gives great glow

Consuming fennel has many health benefits. Fennel is very beneficial for the digestive system as well as eyesight. Mixing fennel in water and applying it on the face brings back great glowing.

Note: Every possible effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and genuineness of the information given in the article. But still take doctor's advice before implementing this. Our aim is only to provide you information. Blogistan does not take moral responsibility for this.

Also read: Due to lack of this vitamin in the body, nails start breaking quickly, it takes a long time to grow again.

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