Worship has great importance in Sanatan Dharma in which the tradition of applying tilak or tilak has been going on since ancient times. In Hindu customs, Tilak is definitely applied before doing every auspicious work. Applying Tilak on the forehead increases our concentration power and spreads positivity. Tilak applied on your forehead will help in opening your luck. Many types of Tilak are described in Sanatan Dharma like sandalwood, roli, turmeric etc. But do you know that applying Tilak every day gives better results. Today we are going to tell you which tilak you should apply on which day.
Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The ruling planet of Monday is Moon. Moon is considered to be the planet responsible for the mind. It is believed that to control the mind and keep the brain cool and calm, one can apply white sandalwood tilak on Monday.
Tuesday is dedicated to Hanumanji. The lord of this day is Mars. Apply red sandalwood tilak on this day. On this day, it is also considered very good to apply Tilak by mixing vermilion in jasmine oil. Applying this tilak increases energy.
Wednesday is the day of Ganpati Bappa. The ruling planet of this day is Mercury. On this day, tilak should be done with dry vermillion without any oil mixed in it. It is believed that this Tilak increases the efficiency and intelligence of the people.
Thursday is also called Brihaspativar. Brihaspati is the guru of the sage gods. This day is especially dedicated to Brahmadev. The ruling planet of this day is Jupiter, on Thursday you can apply yellow or white mixed yellow tilak. Apart from this, you can also apply turmeric tilak. This keeps the mind pure and filled with positive thoughts.
Friday is the day of Goddess Lakshmiji. The ruling planet of this day is Venus. Apply red sandalwood tilak on this day. This keeps stress away. Besides, material comforts also increase. Vermillion tilak can also be applied on this day. By this one gets the blessings of Mother Lakshmi.
Saturday is considered the day of Shanidev and Yamraj. The ruling planet of this day is Saturn. On Saturday you can apply tilak of ashes or red sandalwood. Bhairav Maharaj is pleased with this and does not allow any harm to the person applying the tilak.
Sunday is the day of Sun God. The ruling planet of this day is Sun, who is the king of the planets. It is believed that red sandalwood or Roli tilak should be applied on this day. It is believed that applying this tilak not only increases respect but also brings fearlessness. There are also chances of financial gain in life.