When does Kharmas appear in March?


Kharmas is an astrological phenomenon in Hindu beliefs, which holds significant importance in determining auspicious and inauspicious times for various activities. When the Sun transits into Pisces, it will be called Meenmas. It mainly occurs from March to April. This period, occurring twice a year, marks the entry of the Sun into Sagittarius or Pisces, known as Dhanumas and Meenmas. From which day Kharmas is going to start in March 2024 and on which day it will end, let us know from Astrologer Arunesh Kumar Sharma.

What is Kharmas?

Kharmas is also called Guruvaditya period. When Sun God enters Sagittarius, it is called Dhanumas which lasts from December-January. Similarly, when Sun God enters Pisces, it is called Meenmas. Meenmas occurs during March to April. In Kharmas, the Sun is considered to be engaged in the service of its Jupiter, due to which the influence of the Sun on auspicious works is reduced. During Kharmas, important events like marriage, mundan ceremony and housewarming are banned, while worship and service of deities, mother worship, brahmins and cows etc. can be done.

When will Kharmas start?

Astrologer Arunesh Sharma told that Sun God will enter Pisces at 12.24 pm on March 14. With this Kharmas will start. Sun God will remain in Pisces till 9.03 pm on 13th April. There will be Kharmas for this entire month. According to astrology, the last zodiac sign is Pisces and when Sun comes into Pisces then it is considered as Kharmas.

Mata Puja, Navratri, Holashtak and Holi etc. are coming during Kharmas only, in such a situation any religious work i.e. puja, havan etc. can be done but any kind of auspicious and auspicious work cannot be done. Marriages, tonsure, house warming, installation of Kalash etc. cannot be done in Kharmas. According to astrology, Sagittarius and Pisces are Jupiter zodiac signs. In such a situation, when the Sun enters Sagittarius or Pisces, that month is called Kharmas.

Measures to be taken during Kharmas

Pooja and service- In Kharmas, one should worship and serve Gods, Goddesses, Vedas, Brahmins, Gurus, cows and saints. By doing this you get auspicious results.

Worship of Lord Vishnu- There is a tradition of worshiping Lord Vishnu during Kharmas. Goddess Lakshmi is pleased by daily recitation of Vishnusahastranam and Geeta throughout this month.

Purity and penance- In Kharmas, purity of mind and body should be maintained, if possible one should eat once a day, eat on leaves and there is also a rule of sleeping on the ground.

Avoiding auspicious works- It is advisable to refrain from starting auspicious activities during Kharmas in view of the possible adverse consequences. In such a situation, marriage, housewarming, mundan etc. should not be done.

Why marriages do not take place in Kharmas?

There is a religious belief that during Kharmas, the Sun God, by entering the zodiac sign of Jupiter, focuses on the service of his Guru, thereby reducing his influence on worldly activities. It is said that due to this lesser effect, auspicious works done during Kharmas are not very successful. Therefore, doing any auspicious or auspicious work is prohibited during this period.

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