Why do snakes lie in their holes in winter and come out in summer? Here's why they become bent upon biting everyone.


Have you ever wondered why snakes come out of their holes only during summer? Why does the incidence of snake bites increase in this season? Snake is a cold blooded animal, which means that it cannot maintain its own body temperature. Due to lack of sufficient energy during cold days, the snake's metabolism becomes very slow. That's why they can neither run fast nor hunt. Therefore, we spend most of the time sleeping and try to store the energy we have collected.

As soon as they grow, snakes come out of their holes.

But as soon as summer starts and the temperature increases, snakes come out of their holes. Because the snake gets enough energy during summer. Their metabolism gets boosted and hence they become hyperactive. They go out in search of prey and also reproduce. Experts say that as the temperature increases, the snake's body also starts heating up, which can also lead to its death. Therefore, with the increase in temperature, they come out of their burrows in search of cool places and start appearing around residential areas.

More than 80 percent of the cases are from rural areas.

According to sciencedaily.com, the chance of snake bite increases by about 6% with every degree Celsius increase in daily temperature during summer. In India, more than 58,000 people die every year due to snake bites. If we look at the incidents and statistics of snake bites, we find that most of the cases are reported between April and October. More than 80 percent of snake bite cases occur in rural areas.

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