World Hypertension Day 2024: Pediatric Cardiologist explains the causes of high BP in children | Health News


World Hypertension Day 2024: A recent study from 2021 reported that 7% of school going children in India are hypertensive, and the prevalence of childhood hypertension is more in overweight and obese children. This same study found that the prevalence of childhood hypertension has increased in the last 2 decades in India.

World Hypertension Day 2024: Awareness, early diagnosis and correct treatment of childhood hypertension can go a long way in preventing hypertension related health problems later in life.

New Delhi: Hypertension is also known as a silent killer as this condition, characterised by a high pace at which blood crashes against artery walls, often aggravates silently without any early warning signs and symptoms. Although it is often seen as a cause of concern in adults, this condition can also affect children. To spread awareness about the same, World Hypertension Day is observed on May 17 every year.

Hypertension in children

A recent study from 2021 reported that 7% of school going children in India are hypertensive, and the prevalence of childhood hypertension is more in overweight and obese children. This same study found that the prevalence of childhood hypertension has increased in the last 2 decades in India. Another study from 2022 found extremely high prevalence of hypertension in older children and adolescents ranging from 25-35% in India.

What is the reason for hypertension in children?

In an interaction with News9Live, Dr Supratim Sen, Consultant Pediatric Cardiologist, SRCC Children’s Hospital, spoke about the causes of hypertension or high BP in children.

“The common causes of hypertension in kids are secondary to other systemic illnesses such as kidney disease, congenital heart disease or endocrine/hormonal problems. However, this worrying increasing trend of hypertension is due to increased prevalence of obesity, change in dietary habits to high salt and sugar intake, decreased physical activity and increasing stress,” said Dr Sen.

Diagnose, prevention and precautions

Routine health check-ups with the pediatrician should include checking blood pressure for all chidren above 3 years of age, and any child with BP above levels which are normal for the child’s age and height require further evaluation. Obesity and overweight are the commonest risk factors for hypertension. Salt restricted diet and avoidance of junk foods are helpful both in lowering blood pressure and obesity. Regular outdoor physical activity, an active lifestyle and adequate sleep are also simple and important measures to prevent and control lifestyle related hypertension.
Awareness, early diagnosis and correct treatment of childhood hypertension can go a long way in preventing hypertension related health problems later in life.

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