Fashion equals fitness? Experts say wearing stilettos could help you stay in shape | Health News


According to researchers, people who typically wear high heels to support their looks are more likely to have strong tendons in the ankles and calves. In this study, it was found that wearing heels like these can make the leg muscles more efficient and powerful.

People who wore high heels were also more likely to enjoy the benefits of effortless walking a week later.

New Delhi: For a long time, wearing high heels like stilettos was seen as a huge mistake, only fashion-friendly but far from healthy as this could, allegedly, lead to back pain and posture issues. However, according to experts, fashion can now meet fitness as wearing stilettos might be the same as walking in the right direction to becoming fit. Researchers say that this glam footwear might help strengthen the ankles and calves, and blokes could be beneficial too. Turns out, if one chooses to wear these and go for a walk in the city, it could be the same as exercising.

How does wearing stilettos benefit health?

According to researchers, people who typically wear high heels to support their looks are more likely to have strong tendons in the ankles and calves. In this study, it was found that wearing heels like these can make the leg muscles more efficient and powerful. People who wear these and walk around – 1500 steps in a day – found it much easier to do the same after 99 days. For this, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology tested men and women who had never or rarely worn stilettos before.

Researchers asked the participants to walk in specially-made footwear with three-inch heels for over 14 weeks to know the impact. Writing about it in the Journal of Applied Physiology, researchers noted that regularly wearing high-heeled footwear remodeled leg muscles and tendons thereby benefitting the walking economy. People who wore high heels were also more likely to enjoy the benefits of effortless walking a week later.

Risks of wearing high heels regularly

On the one hand, wearing these fashionable footwear can be beneficial. On the other, there are some health risks involved too. These include:

  1. Knee pain
  2. Sore calves
  3. Foot pain
  4. Risk of sprains
  5. Poor posture
  6. Arthritis in the long run
  7. Shortening of calf muscles
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