How ripe should bananas be to be safe, and healthy for eating? | Health News


Some nutritionists are advocates of green bananas saying that they are healthier than yellow ones. They are said to be better for the gut and heart health. Ripe bananas are known for their sweetness while underripe ones have prebiotic fibres that improve gut microbiome.

As per experts, an overripe banana works as an antacid which can line the stomach walls and fight irritation.

New Delhi: Bananas are a versatile seedless fruit that works wonders to improve overall health – this snack speeds up digestion, controls blood pressure and improves gut health as well. But many people have the tendency to put away green bananas or overripe brown bananas assuming that this can make matters worse for overall health. Yet, there is a long debate that continues about which form of bananas is healthier. A source of antioxidants, fibre and potassium, read on to know which form of the fruit is healthier.

Are green bananas healthier?

Some nutritionists are advocates of green bananas saying that they are healthier than yellow ones. They are said to be better for the gut and heart health. Ripe bananas are known for their sweetness while underripe ones have prebiotic fibres that improve gut microbiome. These fibres are like food for the gut bacteria that boost levels of prebiotic fibres in the small intestine. A thriving gut microbiome can boost immunity, nutrition absorption and digestion. This can also reduce bloating and treat constipation. In the long run, the same may prevent heart disease and obesity.

How do overripe bananas affect health?

Most people end up throwing overripe bananas as they do not look fresh. The fruit may even look soggy and turn brown or black. However, some experts say that there might be more benefits that can be repeated from the intake of these bananas. Read on to know the health benefits of eating brown bananas.

  1. Easier to digest: As bananas ripen, the carbs in them convert into sugar which makes them easier to digest, unlike green bananas.
  2. Fights inflammation: Eating an overripe banana is one of the best ways to keep inflammation at bay. This fruit is rich in antioxidants which delays cell damage and oxidative stress.
  3. Relief from heartburn: As per experts, an overripe banana works as an antacid which can line the stomach walls and fight irritation.
  4. Fights cancer: Eating ripe bananas, after the peel turns slightly darker, contains high levels of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF), a component which kills cancer cells.
  5. Healthy heart: Ripe bananas are richer in potassium, a nutrient which helps widen blood vessels to improve circulation. Iron and copper in it boost haemoglobin as well.
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