If you too are planning a trip for your children, then first know these important things, you will not have to be cheated.

Travel News Desk!!! If we are talking about traveling, and if we have children with us, then packing has to be done with a little care. We do not want our child to suddenly need something from home which is very important and we do not have it. For this, packing should also be done carefully and by being alert in advance, you can enjoy the journey comfortably with children.
- First, count the diapers by day and keep an extra pack as needed.
- Keep both wet and dry wipes. And keep it in your handbag so that you can take it out immediately when needed.
- You won't find dustbins everywhere to throw your garbage, so keep an extra plastic bag in which you can wrap the garbage and keep it aside.
- Many times children are unable to digest hotel food and suffer from diarrhea or vomiting. So, be careful and pack healthy snacks for kids in advance. Like dry fruits, home made healthy cookies, fruits and vegetables like carrot, cucumber, apple, orange, grapes, thepla, idli, paper dosa, cheela, chikki, makhana, sesame laddu etc.
- You can have coloring and coloring books, comics, story books, puzzles, brain games or their favorite toys. So that the child does not get bored, can use it easily during the journey and does not disturb you.
- Don't forget to carry medicine for stomach ache, vomiting, diarrhea, fever and cough. Keep a first aid kit containing cotton, Dettol, Band Aid and bandages.
- Paper soap, sunscreen, hat, glasses, sanitizer, sipper, warm or cotton clothes as per the season, socks, small blankets etc. Pack your luggage according to your individual needs, take care of other small necessities and don't panic if you forget something.