In summer, wood apple sherbet is like nectar, which will cool your body from inside and protect you from these diseases.


During the summer season, heat wave worsens the condition, especially between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, the heat is at its peak and a person is unable to escape from the heat wave. In such a situation, to avoid heat stroke and keep the body cool in summer, special care is taken about the food habits. If the food is good then heat stroke can be avoided and the health does not deteriorate in the heat. This is one such beneficial thing which is good in summer. You can become a part of Daily Light. This cheese vine sherbet. Bael syrup should be given in the morning on an empty stomach or at any time during the day, which has not just one but many benefits for health.

Benefits of drinking wood apple juice

Bael juice cools the body and heatstroke can be avoided by consuming the juice. This juice helps the body to remain hydrated.
Being rich in fiber, drinking wood apple juice provides relief from constipation. Sharbat also works as a natural laxative. Therefore, people suffering from constipation can drink wood apple juice.

Vine juice contains healthy calories which helps in reducing weight. Drinking this keeps the stomach full for a long time, thus preventing frequent hunger and reducing excess food intake.

Bael juice can be drunk to boost metabolism. Being rich in fiber, wood apple juice gives many benefits to digestion. This improves gut health.
Bael juice is beneficial in strengthening the body's immunity and it improves its function.

How to make Bel Sharbat

To make Bael Sharbat, you will need sugar as per one Bael fruit, half teaspoon cumin, one-fourth teaspoon black salt, some mint and 1 liter water. First of all, peel the wood apple fruit and separate its pulp. Put this fruit in water, boil it, mix everything and turn off the flame after 10 to 15 minutes. Keep the sherbet to cool and after it cools, it can be drunk.

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