Peace Party will become part of NDA, Dr. Mohammad Ayub gave a big hint


Preparations for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections have been started by all political parties. At the same time, equations between political parties are changing in Uttar Pradesh. The Peace Party, which contested against BJP in three Lok Sabha and three Assembly elections in the last one and a half decade, also appears to be leaning towards BJP. The political outlook of Peace Party President Dr. Mohammad Ayub now seems to be changing.

For political parties Muslims are just vote banks

Peace Party chief Dr Mohammad Ayub has now realized that SP, BSP and Congress have been using the Muslim community only as a vote bank. According to Dr. Mohammad Ayub, these three parties use Muslim votes as vote bank in elections, but after coming to power, these parties have neither made this community their ally nor worked for their upliftment. . According to Mohammad Ayub, if his party gets a chance, he will not hesitate to form an alliance with the NDA in the state.

Peace Party became weak due to lack of support from big party

Dr. Ayub is considered a very popular leader among the Pasmanda Muslim communities in Purvanchal. He is considered an important representative of the Pasmanda Muslim community. The Peace Party was formed in 2008. Under the leadership of Dr. Ayub, he demonstrated his growing prestige over the Muslim community by winning 4 seats in 2012. However, due to not getting the support of any big party even during the coalition period, the Peace Party became isolated and weak. Let us tell you that now the Peace Party is gathering support to strengthen its hold in the Purvanchal belt. Dr. Ayub is now trying to increase friendship with BJP, the main objective of which is to consolidate their lost ground.

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