This kind of woman is very pious, respect her and your wealth will increase.


Chanakya Niti: There is a saying that 'A woman makes a man and a woman spoils a man.' If a man gets the support of a good woman then his life becomes better and if he gets the support of a wrong woman then the person goes into the pit. Acharya Chanakya has also written a lot about women in his ethics book “Chanakya Niti”. According to him, some women are very pious. Such women should always be respected. Respecting holy women increases a person's honor and respect.

Let us tell you that the policies of Acharya Chanakya are as relevant even today as they were in his time. Even today many people follow the policies of Acharya Chanakya. Acharya Chanakya was not only a great economist but also a skilled politician. Many politicians of the country are doing politics by following the policies of Acharya Chanakya. Acharya Chanakya has mentioned sacred things in his ethics. He clearly said that there are some things which should always be considered pure i.e. sacred.

know them pure

Acharya Chanakya says that…

Pure underground, pure woman's devotion to husband.

Shuchih Kshemakaro Raja Santoshi Brahmin Shuchih.

While discussing purity here, Acharya Chanakya says that underground water is pure, a devoted woman is pure, a king who does welfare to his people is pure and a contented Brahmin is pure.

The meaning is that the water living under the ground, a devoted woman, a king who takes care of the happiness and sorrow of the people and a Brahmin who is self-satisfied are considered pure.

side effect of bad qualities

Referring to the bad qualities of humans, Acharya Chanakya said…

Dissatisfaction dwija ​​nasthaah satisfaction mahibhoothaah.

Salajja Ganika Nashthanirlanjasch Kulangana:.

Acharya Chanakya is discussing here those bad qualities which have side effects. If seen this way, the dissatisfied Brahmins and the satisfied kings are destroyed. The shameful prostitute and the shameless daughter-in-law of a noble family is destroyed. The meaning is that the Brahmin should be satisfied, the Brahmin who is not satisfied gets destroyed. A king should not be satisfied with wealth and kingdom. A king who is satisfied with these gets destroyed. The profession of a prostitute is one of shamelessness. Hence the shameful prostitute is destroyed. It is necessary for housewives, matriarchs or daughters-in-law of any family to have shame. Shame is considered their greatest ornament. The shameless housewives are destroyed.

vices eat away virtues

Nirgunasya hatan rupam duhsheelasya hatan kulam.

Asiddhasya Hata Vidya Abhogasya Hatan Dhanam.

While discussing the destruction of virtues due to vices, Acharya Chanakya says that the form of a virtuous person, the family of a wicked person and the knowledge of an unworthy person gets destroyed. If wealth is not enjoyed, it gets destroyed.

The meaning is that no matter how beautiful a person is, if he is not virtuous, he is not called beautiful. A person with bad behavior brings disrepute to his family. An incompetent person cannot make good use of his knowledge. The person who does not enjoy his wealth in any way should consider that wealth as worthless. That is why it is said that the dog of a wicked person turns into a fool and the wealth of the one who gives education and enjoyment to the unworthy is destroyed.

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